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onyms; distasteful is an antonym of these 296. b. Divulge and conceal are antonyms;
words. conform and differ are antonyms.
297. b. Restrain and curb are synonyms; recant
and retract are synonyms.
298. c. Admire and despise are antonyms; praise 318. c. Obstinate and stubborn are synonyms;
and admonish are antonyms. staunch and faithful are synonyms.
299. d. Advance and retreat are antonyms; curtail 319. a. Persistent and persevering are synonyms;
and prolong are antonyms. spurious and false are synonyms.
300. b. Implant and embed are synonyms; expel 320. d. Broadcast and obscure are antonyms;
and oust are synonyms. welcome and eject are antonyms.
301. a. Assemble and convene are synonyms; 321. b. Enthusiastic and blasé are antonyms;
categorize and systematize are synonyms. upright and prone are antonyms.
302. c. Grind and crush are synonyms; demolish 322. a. Sedate and sober are synonyms; prim and
and pulverize are synonyms. staid are synonyms.
303. d. Continuation and sequel are synonyms; 323. c. Courtier and aristocrat are synonyms;
scheme and plot are synonyms. unknown and nonentity are synonyms.
304. c. Phase and segment are synonyms; epoch 324. d. Nourish and foster are synonyms; abolish
and era are synonyms. and annul are synonyms.
305. b. Declare and affirm are synonyms; cringe 325. c. Undermine and bolster are antonyms;
and cower are synonyms. reinforce and weaken are antonyms.
306. c. Ally and enemy are antonyms; anonymity 326. b. Skim and peruse are antonyms; delve and
and fame are antonyms. scan are antonyms.
307. a. Personable and agreeable are synonyms; 327. c. Comical and witty are synonyms;
friendly and genial are synonyms. humorous and facetious are synonyms.
308. a. Heterogeneous and mixed are synonyms; 328. d. Intersect and diverge are antonyms; ratify
profuse and lush are synonyms. and nullify are antonyms.
309. b. Trust and suspicion are antonyms; doubt 329. b. To proclaim is to announce; to restrict is to
and reliance are antonyms. stint.
310. c. Hide and flaunt are antonyms; forget and 330. a. Barter and swap are synonyms; irritate
retain are antonyms. and annoy are synonyms.
311. d. Disclose and reveal are synonyms; intimate 331. c. Design and devise are synonyms; upbraid
and suggest are synonyms. and reprimand are synonyms.
312. c. Conceal and obscure are synonyms; 332. b. An accord is an understanding; a
procrastinate and delay are synonyms. conversion is a transition.
313. b. Ornate and plain are antonyms; blithe and 333. d. Taint and decontaminate are antonyms;
morose are antonyms. enrage and appease are antonyms.
314. a. Futile and vain are synonyms; covert and 334. b. If you are judicious, you are prudent; if
secret are synonyms. you are wise, you are astute.
315. d. Opposing and differing are synonyms; can- 335. c. To be an arbitrator is to be a mediator; to
did and frank are synonyms. referee is to umpire.
316. b. Expeditiously and swiftly are synonyms; 336. d. To ensue is to follow; to precede is to
diligently and persistently are synonyms. herald.
317. b. If there are antics, there are actions; if 337. b. If there is courage, there is valor; if there is
there is banter, there is repartee. chivalry, there is gallantry.
338. c. Regale and amuse are synonyms; impart 357. d. Foreboding and premonition are syno-
and bestow are synonyms. nyms; qualm and misgiving are synonyms.
339. d. Pivotal and crucial are synonyms; 358. c. A milieu has an environment; a culture has
conventional and conservative are customs.
synonyms. 359. c. Downcast and jaunty are antonyms;
340. c. Fallacy is a misconception of truth; a fact is despondent and jubilant are antonyms.
evidence of truth. 360. a. Enumerate and cite are synonyms;
341. a. Gratuitous and expensive are antonyms; disregard and ignore are synonyms.
sedentary and active are antonyms. 361. c. Flashy and garish are synonyms; gaudy
342. b. Hypocrite and phony are synonyms; and tawdry are synonyms.
lethargy and stupor are synonyms. 362. d. A traitor is a deserter; a renegade is an
343. c. Revere and venerate are synonyms; esteem insurgent.
and respect are synonyms. 363. a. Etiquette requires protocol; a statute
344. b. Refined and plebeian are antonyms; requires a decree.
selective and indiscriminate are antonyms. 364. a. Prominent and conspicuous are synonyms;
345. c. Improbable and plausible are antonyms; gaunt and haggard are synonyms.
stable and volatile are antonyms. 365. b. Outlandish and conservative are
346. d. Immoral and ethical are antonyms; antonyms; reserved and garrulous are
insufficient and ample are antonyms. antonyms.
347. a. Distance and proximity are antonyms; 366. c. Belief and doctrine are synonyms;
economical and prodigal are antonyms. hesitation and vacillation are synonyms.
348. b. Shocked and aghast are synonyms; skittish 367. b. Amateur and novice are synonyms;
and restive are synonyms. representative and proxy are synonyms.
349. a. Deprivation and affluence are antonyms; 368. c. Skyrocket and plummet are antonyms;
capitulation and resistance are antonyms. diminish and augment are antonyms.
350. d. Dupe and deceive are synonyms; exculpate 369. a. Excitable and stoical are antonyms;
and absolve are synonyms. delighted and rankled are antonyms.
351. b. Ostracize and banish are synonyms; 370. c. A mendicant is a vagabond; a scavenger is a
consequence and repercussion are forager.
synonyms. 371. d. Friendship and amity are synonyms;
352. d. Churlish and surly are synonyms; steadfast enmity and animosity are synonyms.
and resolute are synonyms. 372. b. Indiscernible and perceptible are antonyms;
353. c. Indirect and forthright are antonyms; incalculable and infinitesimal are
unashamed and abashed are antonyms. antonyms.
354. d. Superlative and abysmal are antonyms; 373. c. Something that is veritable is actual;
atrocious and noble are antonyms. something that is specious is false.
355. a. If something is impending, it is imminent; 374. d. If you experience anxiety, you have
if something is calamitous, it is disastrous. trepidation; if you experience lethargy,
356. b. Implant and infuse are synonyms; you have lassitude.
inculcate and instill are synonyms.
375. b. If you are absorbed, you are engrossed; if 392. c. Comprehensive means covering com-
you are bored, you are inured. pletely or broadly.
376. a. Involvement and aloofness are antonyms; 393. b. To poach is to trespass on another s prop-
clumsiness and finesse are antonyms. erty in order to steal fish or game.
377. b. Incoherent and articulate are antonyms; 394. d. To differentiate between two things is to
fluent and halting are antonyms. establish the distinction between them.
378. c. Shiftless and lackadaisical are synonyms; 395. a. In the context of the sentence, sophisticated
hardworking and assiduous are synonyms. means having an up-to-date style or look.
379. a. Pert and lively are synonyms; impudent 396. b. Exempt means to be excused from a rule
and insolent are synonyms. or obligation.
380. b. Native and foreign are antonyms; 397. c. Finesse is skill, tact, and cleverness.
commonplace and exotic are antonyms. 398. c. To handle a baby gingerly would be
381. d. Compassionate and insensitive are to handle it delicately and with great
antonyms; conceited and unassuming are caution.
antonyms. 399. c. A précis is a summary or abstract of a text.
382. a. Characteristic and attribute are synonyms; 400. d. Blasé means to be bored or unimpressed
ingredient and component are synonyms. by things after having seen or experienced
383. d. Capricious and whimsical are synonyms; them too often.
shrewd and astute are synonyms. 401. b. The summit means the highest point.
384. c. Gluttonous and abstemious are antonyms; 402. c. A musty odor is one that is stale or moldy.
complimentary and disparaging are 403. a. Solitude, a state of being alone, is some-
antonyms. thing a person who worked in a busy
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