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- Strona Główna
- Frank Jackson From Metaphysics to Ethics A Defence of Conceptual Analysis 2000
- Gill Sanderson Przyjaciel rodziny
- Mercedes Lackey Bardic Voices 03 Eagle and the Nightingales(1)
- Gillian Shields NieśÂ›miertleny
- McMahon_Barbara_ _Zakochany_porucznik
- Janrae Frank Lycan Blood 06 Kady's Vengeance
- Anne Mccaffrey Cykl Pegaz (02) Lot Pegaza
- Alastair J Archibald Grimm Dragonblaster 01 A Mage in the Making (v5.0)
- Linwood Barclay Bez śÂ›ladu
- zanotowane.pl
- doc.pisz.pl
- pdf.pisz.pl
- lady.opx.pl
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outlawed in most European countries. In Britain it s been banned in schools since July 1998. At
home, you can still smack your children as often as you like - as long as you don't use an
implement, such as a stick, a cane, a belt or even a slipper. However, some campaigners want
to ban smacking too, saying that all forms of corporal punishment are degrading and may lead to
violent attitudes later on in life.
corporal punishment - kary cielesne
to outlaw - zdelegalizować
to ban - zakazać
to smack - dać klapsa, lekko uderzyć
implement - narzędzie
stick - kij
cane - rózga
belt - pasek
slipper - kapeć, pantofel
campaigners - osoby prowadzÄ…ce kampaniÄ™
degrading - poniżający
violent - agresywny
attitude - postawa
English 2000 52
We've been talking about an end of the century survey on teenagers' attitudes in Britain today.
We ve learned that most teenagers want to own their own businesses and that forty-three per
cent think that becoming a millionaire by the age of thirty-five is a career goal.
They don't respect politicians, but do respect policemen, doctors and teachers. They also want
censorship of sex and violence on television and in films to continue. And they believe in happy
families, which is a surprise when you think how many people get divorced these days.
an end of the century survey - badania/ankieta przeprowadzona pod koniec
teenagers - nastolatki
goal - cel
censorship - cenzura
to get divorced - rozwieść się
A mobile phone. A lot of people have them, but do they really need them? Some people need
them, but some just like to be seen using one. For some people a mobile phone just looks good,
it s fashionable, and it gives them street cred.
If you have street cred, it means that people of your age, usually young people, approve of you
and accept you. It s about gaining acceptability you share their views, their sense of fashion.
It s peer pressure, too. You ve got to be careful what you wear. Trainers are a good idea. But
make sure your trainers are a well-known and fashionable make. Make sure you wear a
designer label. You ve got to be cool - if you want to have street cred!
We ve been talking about street cred. To have street credibility, first buy a mobile phone. Then
don t forget to wear trainers, but make sure they have a designer label. Try and wear designer
clothes. It s so cool!
mobile phone - telefon komórkowy
fashionable - modny
to have street cred(ibility) - być akceptowanym przez rówieśników i podziwianym
jako osoba cool ; szpanować i imponować
to gain acceptability - uzyskać akceptację
to share their views - podzielać ich poglądy
sense of fashion - styl ubrania
peer pressure - naciski grupy rówieśniczej
trainers - adidasy
make - marka, firma
designer label - znak firmowy projektanta mody
cool - odlotowy, czadowy, wyluzowany, super słowem: cool
designer clothes - odzież znanej firmy
English 2000 53
We re talking about body piercing. Women have pierced their ears for ages, but now people are
piercing their whole bodies& well, almost. Women and men pierce their ears, eyebrows, noses,
tongues, lips, navels and other& sensitive parts of their bodies.
Cowboy piercers are inexperienced and untrained. They can injure your muscles. They don t
monitor standards of hygiene. And they probably rip you off!
It s a rebellion against the older generation, the old fogies like me and you.
body piercing - kolczykowanie ciała
to pierce - przekłuwać
eyebrows - brwi
navels - pępki
sensitive parts - czułe miejsca
cowboy piercers - tu: fuszerzy, partacze
inexperienced - niedoświadczony
untrained - nieprzeszkolony
to injure - zranić, skaleczyć
to monitor - nadzorować, kontrolować
older generation - starsze pokolenie
old fogies - starzy
Today we ve been talking about pheromones, chemical substances released by the body, which
attract the opposite sex. Synthetic versions are now being added to aftershave. We ve learned
that women are attracted by these chemicals, detected on a sub-conscious level through the
nose. However, humans rely heavily on sight and men can find a nice pair of legs, sorry
shoes, apparently - just as attractive.
It s all about money. Listen to this& scientists have taken pheromones from females& and put
them in bottles... and then sold them& to women! They made a million dollars!
pheromones - feromony
to attract - przyciągać
aftershave - woda po goleniu
sub-conscious - podświadomy
to rely - polegać
sight - wzrok
female - kobieta, płeć żeńska
English 2000 54
They pinned advertisements around Pisa medical school seeking students who have fallen in
love, who thought about their loved ones for at least four hours every day, but who had yet to
have sexual relations. Surprisingly, they found some 17 women and 3 men!
They measured the levels of serotonin in the lovestruck students bloodstream and found them
about 40 per cent below normal about the same as they are in patients with obsessive-
compulsive disorder.
Scientists think that there may be an evolutionary reason why lovers should lose their heads.
Obsessive love creates an unrealistic mental image of the beloved. According to the theory, this
ensures that interest is maintained long enough to produce offspring.
Tested a year later, the students serotonin level were back to normal.
to fall in love - zakochać się
to pin - przypinać, przyczepiać
advertisements - ogłoszenia
to seek - szukać
the loved ones - osoby ukochane
sexual relations - stosunki płciowe
to measure - mierzyć
serotonin - serotonina
lovestruck - zakochany (po uszy)
bloodstream - układ naczyniowy, tu: krew
obsessive-compulsive disorder - zachowanie obsesyjno-maniakalne
evolutionary - ewolucyjny
to lose your head - stracić głowę
to maintain interest - utrzymywać zainteresowanie
offspring - potomek, potomstwo
Today we've been talking about electronic dating. About gizmos into which you input data about
your perfect partner - their age, interests, education and profession. You also say what kind of
relationship you are looking for - short-term, long-term, or just for the evening. Or maybe a one
night stand, who knows? Then you go out and hope that you ll meet someone who s got a gizmo
like you and has got the qualities you re looking for. If they have, then the gizmo vibrates to tell
you it s found your ideal partner.
electronic dating - elektroniczne romanse
gizmo - aparacik
to input data - zaprogramować dane
relationship - zwiÄ…zek, romans
English 2000 55
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