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a touch of the Med in this gateway to the drizzle, but it s worth persevering to discover map with details of the main centres and vate accommodation. For two people, figure
mountains. the hidden valleys amid the dense woods and colour-coded hiking trails. There is also a two- on about 800K%0Å„ and up, with breakfast, but
Restaurant Grill (%499 810 470; Krakonoaovo nám 72; lofty summits. part, 1:25,000 map. prices can skyrocket in ski season quoted
mains 80-170K%0Å„) Big coffees and even bigger ice prices are for the cheaper summer season.
creams go down well on the summer terrace. Orientation Activities The local word for a mountain hut, cha-
In less perfect weather there s warm as toast Most villages in the park are functional re- There are walking trails galore, including the let or hotel is bouda ( b on maps), a term
open grills for meaty platters. sorts with innumerable places to sleep and red-marked Czech-Polish friendship trail (Cesta originally used for shepherds huts. Other
K r k o n o a e
K r k o n o a e
Cable Car
264 KRKONO`E " " Vrchlabí Book accommodation online at lonelyplanet.com Book accommodation online at lonelyplanet.com KRKONO`E " " Pec Pod Sn%1Å‚~kou 265
more-or-less equivalent Czech terms are chata The town information centre (%499 451 111; ties, but a range of outdoor fun not needing Penzion Erika (%499 523 247; www.penzionerika.cz;
and chalupa. There are some comfortable, www.vrchlabi.cz; Krkonoaská 8; h9am-6pm Mon-Fri, 9am- snow is now growing in popularity. `pindlerov Mlýn 223; s/d 580/1060K%0Å„; p) Drag yourself
and popular, boudy along the high-elevation noon Sat) is south of Nám Masaryka; a eská out of your super-comfy rooms to the cosy
trails. You should try to book these at least a SpoYitelna (Krkonoaská) with an ATM and ex- Orientation & Information brick-lined bar and restaurant downstairs at
few days ahead; inquire at a park informa- change desk is another 30m south. A park From the bus stop, the Mountain Rescue Service this tidy spot surrounded by nice gardens; not
tion centre. information centre (%499 421 474; Nám Míru; h9am- (Horská slu~ba; %499 433 230; Svatopetrska) is 500m overly alpine but a good choice for a summer,
4pm Mon-Sat) has maps and brochures. east, after a right turn at the post office. spring or autumn visit.
Getting There & Away Check your email at Internet Café (1st fl, There are dozens of information offices. Eating out is pretty much confined to the
Buses are the most convenient way into the Krkonoaská 182; h10am-11pm Mon-Sat, 1-11pm Sun), Infocentrum (%499 433 148; www.spindleruv-mlyn.cz; hotels and pensions, but Pavilon (Predni Labska 47),
Krkonoae, with numerous daily direct services opposite the tourist office. Predni Labska 47; h8am-7pm) is 200m north of the in the same building as Infocentrum, does a
from Prague to Pec pod Sn%1Å‚~kou (155K%0Å„, 3½ bus stop and can help with accommodation. decent pizza.
hours) and `pindlerov Mlýn (137K%0Å„, three Sleeping & Eating A second, private Information Centre (%499
hours), and others via Hradec Králové, Vrch- There are Zimmer frei signs across town. 433 407; www.spindl.com; Svatopetrska 297; h9am-6pm) Getting There & Away
labí and Trutnov. In the ski season there are Vejsplachy camp site (hJun-Sep) This camp site is just before the mountain-rescue office and There are at least a dozen buses a day to and
also direct buses between Pec pod Sn%1Å‚~kou is several kilometres southwest of the centre has internet access. Both can advise on skiing, from Vrchlabí (21K%0Å„, 25 minutes) and Prague
and Brno (230K%0Å„, five hours). on Pra~ská tYída, the road to Prague. cycling and other activities. (137K%0Å„, three hours).
The nearest fast-train junctions are Vrch- Hotel Labut (%499 421 964; www.hotellabut.cz;
labí and Trutnov, with connections to Har- Krkonoaská 188; s/d 870/1160K%0Å„; pi) A cosy spot Sights & Activities Getting Around
rachov, Rokytnice nad Jizerou and Svoboda on the main drag, the Labut s rooms are plain A chairlift runs northwest to the top of A bus runs from the `pindlerov Mlýn bus stop
nad Úpou. but comfortable. Downstairs there is a good Medv%1Å‚dín (1235m) for 100/130K%0Å„ one up the Labe valley to `pindlerov bouda on the
games room with billiards, table football and way/return, and another runs south up PláH main Krkonoae ridge (1100m). See tourist
Getting Around chess on offer. (1196m). information for the latest timetable.
There are regular hourly buses between Vrch- Hotel Gendorf (%499 429 629; www.gendorf.cz; You can hike up to the Labe headwaters on
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