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seen. The man s brown eyes held steel, and his body language
definitely had the air of don t fuck with me. He had a commanding
presence and a take-charge attitude that made people take notice when
Lipstick and Handguns 141
he spoke. Luckily, he also seemed to know a great deal about the
BDSM scene.
Marshall Dean is a small man, five-foot-six, slender, and he
looks much younger than his fifty-three years. I m not positive, but I
don t think he s a true submissive. I believe he probably ended up in
the role because of his small stature. Rayce rubbed his forehead as if
trying to iron out a headache from the outside in.
He s also not a Dom. In fact, I don t think the lifestyle is really
for him. He s crazy as bat shit, he added after a pause.
Why don t you think he belongs in the scene? Ryder studied
Rayce, his eyes narrowed in concentration.
Well, he s obviously not very good at it, is he? Rayce sounded
as if the answer should be obvious to everyone. He doesn t feel like
he s a sub, yet he doesn t have the control or authority that it takes to
be a Dom. If he did, those boys wouldn t have ended up dead.
Are you a Dom? Sidney blurted out. He hadn t meant to say it,
but the thought had been whirling around in his mind since Rayce had
started speaking.
Yes, Rayce stated simply. And, because of that, I think I could
be a great help in this case. Assholes like Marshall Dean give the
lifestyle a bad name. I want to help bring this guy down.
Sidney was impressed with the way the officer answered
unabashed and unashamed of his choices.
And you? Michael asked Jasper.
No, I m not in the scene, but I do know quite a bit about it. These
boys didn t deserve what happened to them. He looked pointedly at
Sidney and dipped his head. I want in.
We ll talk to the Chief in the morning, Ryder replied.
Sidney was so proud of his man he could burst. He flung his arms
around Ryder s neck and crushed their mouths together. You are
amazing, he breathed.
Ryder looked stunned for a moment before he smiled and nodded.
142 Gabrielle Evans
Are you ready to take a look at the picture? Ryder was back to
serious, all business.
Are you going to turn into the Ice Bitch again? Sidney didn t
want to appear weak, but he was nervous.
I ll be right here, Ryder answered softly.
Sidney nodded his head and held out his hand. Rayce withdrew a
glossy five-by-seven and passed it across the table to Sidney s waiting
As soon as his eyes landed on the face, he dropped the photograph
and gasped. Ryder s arms were around him immediately as he
whispered words of comfort and encouragement in his ear.
Sidney stared into the eyes of his tormentor, paralyzed. His heart
raced and tremors shook his body. He clutched at Ryder s hand,
trying desperately to breathe.
Get him some water, Ryder ordered.
Sidney, man, are you okay? Rayce reached across the table and
removed the photo quickly. You look really pale. Do you need to lie
Sidney shook his head quickly. Closing his eyes, he took deep
breaths and willed his heart rate to return to normal. He felt like such
a loser. How could he let a simple photograph make him fall apart
like some sniveling wimp?
Stop it, Ryder whispered harshly in his ear. You are strong,
Sidney. You are my brave little sprite, and there is nothing weak
about your reaction to that picture. He reached out and took the
bottle of water Michael handed to him. Drink this and just breathe.
So, I guess that s our guy, Jasper said softly. His voice was low,
but it held an underlying rage that startled Sidney out of his near
Yes, he answered loud enough for everyone to hear him. That
man is the one that oversaw my& training.
Did he ever administer any of the& uh& training? Michael
asked hesitantly.
Lipstick and Handguns 143
Sidney nodded numbly, but didn t have enough moisture in his
mouth to speak.
How does Kenneth Dean fit into all of this? Michael stood from
his chair and began pacing around the kitchen. I know that he s
Marshall s grandson, but what was his part in all of this?
No one seemed to have an answer.
I have other pictures here, Rayce tapped the envelope in front of
him. Bouncers, bartenders, and a couple of the regulars from Claw
and Dagger.
Not tonight, Ryder spoke before Sidney could accept. Come
on. He stood and held his hand out.
Sidney took it gratefully. He felt like he had just run a marathon.
His muscles ached and his stomach cramped. Thank you, he
mumbled to his lover.
Ryder led him up the stairs and tucked him into bed. I have to go
back down, but I ll be up to check on you in a little while. If you need
me, just call my cell phone, and I ll come running.
Sidney nodded, but he couldn t drudge up a smile. Closing his
eyes, he let the exhaustion claim him.
144 Gabrielle Evans
Chapter Sixteen
I think the judge would grant us a search warrant for the club,
Rayce was saying when Ryder walked back into the kitchen. I don t
know if we have enough to search his residence, but we can talk to the
DA and see what he thinks.
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