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No, I can t even begin to&
Just consider it while you explore the house. I ll be back as
soon as I can.
And what should I wear? Half my clothes are in the garage.
Internet Bonds Book 9: Terms of Surrender
Give me your keys and I ll pick some things up on my way
back here or I can leave you my credit card and you can call one of
the stores that deliver same day.
Whoa, I can wait until you pick some things up. I don t want
your credit card&
Outstanding, my slave cares&
I do and I won t take advantage of you unless you allow it.
I ll be back as soon as I can, he said before kissing her. Ex-
plore the house, make yourself at home and get something to eat.
I will, Noah, and thanks.
Being my Master.
Noah left her, hating the fact that he had to. Once in the ga-
rage, he chose to take his Aston Martin needing a car with a high-
powered engine and good handling to get him into the city as
quickly and neatly as possible.
On the way, he checked his phone hearing Jerry s message.
Using his Bluetooth, he called his partner back.
Jerry, what s up?
Where the hell are you? You re never this late.
I got tied up, Noah answered, partially telling his friend the
truth. What did you call about?
Remember that guy who threatened you, the judge and his
defense attorney after the judge sentenced him? Well, he s evi-
dently out because the judge and the defense attorney are dead.
Fuck, I don t need this.
I didn t think so and when you couldn t be reached, I began
to wonder if you ve got someone needing protection. From your
reaction, I think I have my answer.
You know me way too well.
Anyone I know like the secretary you bought up to The
Ivory Tower?
Internet Bonds Book 9: Terms of Surrender
Like I said, you know me way too well.
Be careful you re playing with fire. If her&
I need to talk to you about Robb, as well. I m on my way in
to fire his ass. I met with Abrams who gave me a heads up that not
only is one of the judges sanctioning him because of misconduct, he
wants to go after his license and possibly the firm because we re his
employers. I told David to pass along my regrets and assurances
that I would take care of it.
Anything I can do?
Get his employment contract out and have it on my desk. I
want to make sure I can counter anything he has to say.
And if he brings up his secretary?
I ll deal with that if it comes up.
I ll get his personnel file and warn Jonathan.
Good. I ll see you when I get in.
Don t be surprised if you are met by many surprised faces.
They know you as well and you are never late.
Noah ended the call and went over what he planned to do
once he reached the office. With Jerry taking care of last-minute
details at the office, he could concentrate on handling the problem
at hand. Then, as soon as he finished with Robb, he d turn his at-
tentions to the Wilkes threat. With his life finally heading toward
a good outcome, he refused to allow his past to overtake his fu-
ture not when Fallon had come into the picture willingly as his
submissive and he d assured her he would protect her. She had not
agreed to become a target because of her love life. Bloody hell!
* * * *
As soon as he reached the office and parked, things began to
happen. As Jerry had predicted, many surprised faces greeted him
as he walked through the first floor offices to the elevator. Inward-
ly, he laughed liking the fact that he d been unpredictable for once.
My thanks to Fallon&
Internet Bonds Book 9: Terms of Surrender
Walking past Fallon s desk, he saw Gray Robb sitting at it.
Something inside him made him want to strangle the guy but he
knew that would be the wrong thing to do. Instead, he pulled out
his cell and called Jerry.
It s me. Set up the camera we use to tape special meetings. I
want this guy dead to rights and the firm protected.
You got it. The file we discussed is on your desk.
Good, Noah said before ending the call.
Stopping one of the secretaries, he asked her to tell Mister
Robb to be in his office in fifteen minutes.
Your office, fifteen minutes yes, sir, she said as she wrote
the information down on her steno pad.
Smart idea to always keep notes like that, he complimented
Thank you, Mister Sheffield, she said before hurrying off.
For some reason, Noah stood off to the side and watched the
young woman give Robb his message. He didn t need to hear what
the junior associate said to know what his reaction had been. The
arrogant bastard&
While he watched, Robb verbally questioned the young wom-
an about how she came to give him the message. Sheffield read lips
well enough to know that Robb accused her of making it up be-
cause Sheffield or one of the other partners always called him per-
sonally. Then he saw Robb tell her he d wait until the actual invita-
tion came down from The Ivory Tower.
With that, the young woman escaped the office in tears. As
she passed by Noah, he pulled her aside and had her tell him exact-
ly what happened while watching the antics of the man who ex-
pected to become partner one day.
Go freshen up then come to my office after lunch.
Yes, sir, she said as she hurried off to the women s lounge.
Internet Bonds Book 9: Terms of Surrender
Noah glanced back to where Robb held court, his fury intensi-
fying by the moment. Keeping his emotions in checque, he turned
and went to Robb s office. As he entered, the mood sobered quick-
ly as everyone except Robb hurried to their desks obviously know-
ing something would happen something they didn t want to be a
part of.
Mister Sheffield& good morning& Gray Robb stammered.
I sent one of the secretaries in here to tell you to be in my of-
fice in fifteen minutes then I watch you verbally abuse her. How
dare you belittle someone like that? That is not the kind of work
environment we want here at the firm. Now, because you chose to
ignore the request, you have ten minutes to be in my office and it s
not a request.
Y-y-yes, sir&
Noah nodded to the others before leaving then entered the
elevator. A few minutes later, he placed his briefcase on the floor
near his desk, checked for the little red light signaling the camera
would videotape their meeting and satisfied it would, he sat down
and quickly scanned Robb s file.
Mister Sheffield, good morning, Barbara said as she brought
his morning tea and messages in. Tony would like you to call him
now and Miss Mitchell said you sent her to the university law li-
I did and thank you for the tea. I need it to calm my nerves
after dealing with Robb. By the way, he ll be walking in the door
any minute and will probably be a little nervous, he began to say.
How long should I keep him cooling his heels?
Ten, maybe fifteen minutes.
This should be fun. I ve already heard what happened down-
Word travels fast, doesn t it?
And you ve come out smelling like a rose as always.
Noah snickered before becoming serious.
Internet Bonds Book 9: Terms of Surrender
While we are meeting, call security and have them make sure
he walks out the door and doesn t take anything with him. Once he
has, they are to clear out his things and bring them up to Jerry s of-
fice so he and Tony can go through it. The least the man has against
us, the better.
What are you thinking?
Client lists, case files& Make sure they confiscate his flash
drives and anything else he may be using.
There is a civil rights issue here, she reminded him.
The reason why I have his personnel file in front of me.
When he joined the firm, he signed the same contract as every oth-
er employee here meaning I can do exactly what I m doing and it s
Good, though I should have known, she said. By the way, is
Miss Mitchell all right?
Yes, why do you ask?
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