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with her. She d supported Isabelle throughout the pregnancy and
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Settling down on the seat beside Isabelle, Elizabeth nestled the him prisoner. And today, he was finally leaving them to sail to
drowsy baby against her shoulder. Isn t it a beautiful day? Australia. Isabelle knew he ached to return to that strange country
Yes. on the other side of the world and leave behind the disastrous
I never thought I would say that again. Elizabeth rubbed her events that altered his life. He d stayed too long in England and
cheek along the top of the baby s head. I thought I would never wanted to go home. Isabelle envied him. For though she lived at
experience a good day again. the Hall, it was no home to her. Hamish knew of a contentment
Isabelle plucked at her black skirts. Whenever conversation that eluded her.
alluded to Ethan or his death she felt as though a weight pressed She d seen him often in the seventeen months since the accident,
against her chest. She glanced up when Elizabeth took her hand and, despite his initial aloofness, they soon created a tentative
and held it. They sat for some time in silence. Alone with their friendship. His quiet presence whenever he called soothed her
thoughts, their memories, their grief. agony. He d become close to the boys, helping them through
After a while, Isabelle could breath easier, the pain of losing another difficult period and she was so very grateful for that.
Ethan sometimes threatened to choke the life from her, but some I m jealous of him seeing Rachel again. Elizabeth sighed. I miss
days were better than others. The trial was over and the newspa- her so much. We all should have listened to her when Ethan and his
pers had stopped hounding them for information. The first father first mooted the idea of Clarice becoming a part of this
anniversary of Ethan s death had been endured, and now family. Rachel was against it. She said Clarice wasn t enough for
summer was nearly here and she could rest. She could forget. Not Ethan, but we wouldn t listen. All we cared about was the money
Ethan of course, she could never forget him, for she saw him she brought with her. Money that refurbished the house and
everyday in their daughter s toffee eyes, but the horror of that restocked the fields with crops and animals.
tragic day was no longer as sharp as it was. The constant night- We can have no regrets, Elizabeth. Isabelle spoke without hesi-
mares, the uncontrollable grief had lessened once Bethan was tation. She regretted nothing, except that Farrell managed to steal
born. Ethan from her. Fate deals with us how it wishes, we cannot fight
Turning, Isabelle lightly touched her daughter, Bethan Elizabeth. it.
Her arrival had softened the anguish, the hurt, the ache of Ethan s I guess you are right. Elizabeth patted Bethan s back. I have to
death. She brought smiles to the house and love back into her be grateful for Bethan. Oh, I know I shouldn t be. I should have
grandmother s heart. Isabelle adored her so much it frightened her. nothing to do with my son s illegitimate child, but . . . Tears formed
If anything happened to her baby, her and Ethan s baby, she knew in her eyes. I love her so. If I cannot have Ethan then his daughter
she would leave this world also. is a wonderful gift that I will treasure even if it does offend some of
Elizabeth shifted on the seat, adjusting Bethan s sleeping form. my friends.
Hamish will be here soon. Isabelle raised her chin, hating the gossip about her and Bethan,
Yes. hating people who judged her tiny daughter. Bethan is indeed a
I shall miss him. He has always been like a son to me. gift. If others want to reject us, then let them. I care not.
Yes. Isabelle glanced away to the left over the lake and to the Elizabeth nodded and smiled through her tears. We have each
deer park on the other side. other, we need no one else.
Hamish. Poor Hamish. How he had suffered. He witnessed his Yes . . .
best friend s murder, then shot the murderer. His trial had run only But, of course, we cannot forget the boys, she chuckled. The
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