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Charles. Captain, where have you come from? Surely not London!
Indeed, I have, sir. Straight from Whitehall. The younger man surveyed the group and
bowed as was proper for his station. Your servant, he said to all.
Wes could not understand the bounty that had befallen him. Especially on his wedding
day. He d make the best of it, having Charles bring out more food and wine. Then too, he d
somehow find a way to make up this infernal embarrassment to Lacy. But as he turned to look at
her, she gazed with unbridled interest at Hawritch. And Wes frowned.
Meanwhile, hang it all, he had to attend to his guests. Please, all of you do come into the
great hall where the fire is high and hot. We ll warm you up with whiskey, too, if that is your
wish. He looked at his aunt with a grin.
Her gaze was fastened on Lord Feather, though why that was Wes had no earthly idea.
Feather, for his part, appeared to be apoplectic. Mouth open, eyes wide, he gaped at
What the hell was going on here?
Wes turned to Lacy who beamed at Hawritch. And Charles, poor besotted man, admired
Patsy, who hung back, demure and silent as all parlor maids were taught to be.
When all were neatly settled in various chairs before the fire, their whiskies in hand, Wes
introduced each to the other. He noted that Lacy and her father Feather sat close together.
Amaryllis took a chair near Wes . Hawritch to her left. Patsy stood, as was her proper place,
while Charles ran around, refilling Hawritch s and Feather s glasses.
Wes attempted polite conversation because no one else seemed capable of giving it a go.
I m thrilled to have you here, each of you. But why are you each here, uninvited?
His aunt sniffed, directing her gaze pointedly as Wes. We were delayed. I would have
been here sooner, but the flooding on the roads is quite appalling.
Hawritch agreed. I have been on the road from London since yesterday morning. My
orders were to arrive as soon as possible.
I see, said Wes, his interest piqued. And who gave you those orders, Captain?
Wes nodded. Army headquarters in London. Who in Whitehall?
Dickson, sir. Lieutenant General Dickson.
My commanding officer in Spain, now general staff in Whitehall. Why would he send
you to me? He certainly knows the extent of my injuries and my need for solitude.
Sir, Hawritch said as he examined those in the room, I was told to discuss my purpose
only with you.
Very well, Wes understood the need for secrecy in wartime. And do you also have
Lacy shifted in her chair.
I do, Colonel. But I was told to deliver my papers to your hand only. And to discuss
them with no one.
I see, Wes wondered what the hell to do. As soon as he took the orders in hand, he
might very well be bound to carry them out. He shut his eyes and rubbed a hand across his
forehead. He didn t need one of his raging headaches now. Suddenly, he realized he had
suffered but two since Lacy had thrown herself back into his life.
Why are you here?
Everyone in the room went dead silent and turned to the person who d blurted this.
Why? Lord Feather demanded of Amaryllis.
Girard, Wes aunt addressed Lacy s father by his first name in an astonishing tone of
intimacy, I am here for you.
What? That s insanity! Feather retorted.
Of course, it is, she replied, cool as cucumber in July. But nonetheless, I am here.
Well? Feather demanded, his cheeks red with an outrage only he understood. Tell us
Amaryllis did not deign to look at him but put her nose in the air. I see you are about to
make a great mistake. The second great mistake of your life.
Feather shot a glance at Wes. Do you have any idea what she s talking about?
Wes folded his arms. He knew when best to sit on the sidelines and watch opponents
have at each other. None whatsoever, my lord.
Charles hoisted the whiskey flask. Another, my lord?
No! Feather retorted.
I will, though! Amaryllis raised her glass.
You cannot drink more than one! Feather objected.
Everyone s eyes bulged with interest.
She preened. In the intervening years since I so unceremoniously took more than one
punch and passed out into your arms, my lord Feather, I have learned how to drink. She
extended her glass so that Charles might pour. Fill it up, man. There. Thank you.
You are impossible! Feather jumped up from his chair. Like you always were.
She threw the whiskey back and got to her feet. The two of them stood toe to toe in the
middle of Wes great hall. Whatever this was, as a reunion or a rematch, it was damn good.
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