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deep breath, and then nestled herself back in his arms, resting her head against his shoulder and
damn, but it gave him hope that she hadn t pulled away from him. And& I miss how easy our
friendship used to be before things got so complicated between us.
I know things have been a mess, but I love you, Zoe. That s not going to change and I can t
go back to just being friends. Morgan cupped her face in his hands, his fingers tangling in her hair as
he tilted her head back and forced her to look at him, his fear of losing her spurring him on. I m not
giving you up, Zo. No way.
Tell me again that we ll somehow get through this. She nuzzled him hesitantly, her words
nothing but a warm whispered plea against his skin, her proximity burning up what little self-control
he had.
We ll not only get through this but we ll be happy. I swear it, Zoe. I ll do whatever it takes
to make it happen. He brushed his lips against hers in question, his heart slamming against his chest
when she kissed him back, despite a brief hesitation. A calm slowly eased its way around his heart,
making him hope that they might get through this.
She slowed their kisses, but instead of pulling away, she snuggled against him, holding him
tight. I do love you, but I can t just pick up where we left off, Morgan. But& I would like to try to
make things work between us. I just don t know if I m up for it or if I ever will be.
We ve got all the time in the world, love, cause I m not going anywhere. And in the
meantime, maybe we can find a way to contact Lexie s parents. Yeah?
You think they ll respond? She looked up at him with such hope in her eyes, he knew he
couldn t fail her.
All we can do is try, love. And maybe make it worth their while. Morgan wasn t one to
throw around money or power, but he was desperate to know how his daughter fared. He didn t want
to disrupt Lexie s life, but he d do whatever he could to make sure she was okay.
They eventually got up to grab breakfast, but in the light of day, Morgan could feel Zoe
distancing herself again. He knew she was dealing with a tumult of emotions, and though he was
desperate to chase her demons away and seek revenge on her behalf, he worried it d only make things
worse for her.
He ran a gentle hand down Zoe s back, hoping to soothe her, and needing that connection
between them. She d been through so much, and he felt like he d failed her by not being there to help
her, to protect her.
I have the Bryants information if you d like it. Names, address, email. Zoe s brow
furrowed as she took the cup of coffee Morgan handed her and let out a weary sigh. Do you really
think you can get them to respond to us?
I really hope so, love. Morgan pulled out his laptop and got started on his search.
Yet it didn t take long for him to find Lexie s parents. It was a blow he hadn t expected and it
was the last thing Zoe needed to hear. He still couldn t quite believe it.
Zoe& I think this is them Lexie s parents. I m so sorry, love.
She shifted in her seat as he turned his laptop towards her so she could see the news article
he d found. Covering her mouth in disbelief, her eyes shimmered with threatening tears. I can t
believe it, Morgan. Does it say anything about Lexie? Is she safe?
She wasn t with her parents, who d been on their way to the theater when they were killed.
Lexie must have been with a sitter. Morgan couldn t bear to think of what might have happened to his
little girl if she d been with her adoptive parents that night. Both her parents had been killed crossing
the road when they were hit by a drunk driver who d run a red light. The driver never slowed down
nor did he stop. That explains why they never got back to you, Zo.
Those poor people. I can t believe it. And& who has Lexie then? The fear, the shock,
flamed in Zoe s blue eyes. We need to find her, Morgan.
He pulled Zoe into his arms, desperate to comfort her. This was the last thing she needed after
everything she d been through. We will. I m sure she s safe, staying with someone close to the
Morgan was already planning their trip to England to find his daughter. It was one thing for
Lexie to be left in the care of a couple who d been vetted by an agency and wanted her, and another to
be the person who d inherited a child due to her parents death. The thought that she might not truly
be wanted in her current situation killed him. He could all too easily imagine a family that hadn t
planned on the addition of a young child and the strain it would put on their time and finances. And
who was to say that the couple who now had her would be good, responsible parents?
I ll have an investigator track Lexie down, and then have my lawyers contact whoever s now
her guardian. Hopefully we can come to some sort of arrangement that will, at the very least, get us
updates on how she s doing. He wanted more so much more but he didn t want to disrupt Lexie s
life. Above all, he wanted her to be safe and happy. That was the most important thing.
I m trying not to panic, Morgan, but& I m scared. Who has her? I was so careful when I
chose the Bryants. And now& ? She ran a hand through her hair, and he hated seeing the panic in her
You picked them because they d be responsible parents. So until we can get more
information, we need to trust that they would have made arrangements for Lexie if something ever
happened to them. They d want to make sure she was well taken care of. He had to believe that,
especially since it was the only thing keeping him from hopping on a plane and tearing through
England to try to find her. We can head over to the UK as soon as we have some sort of direction.
Morgan called the investigator they used for overseas business, and made arrangements to
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