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- Strona Główna
- Carmack Cora Tracć…c to
- Dynastia z Bostonu 04 Bevarly Elizabeth Skryty wielbiciel
- John D MacDonald Travis McGee 09 Pale Gray for Guilt
- Catherine Mann Pod urokiem milionera
- Flynn Joyee M
- Burnes Caroline Detektyw o kocim spojrzeniu
- Montgomery Lucy Maud BśÂ‚ć™kitny zamek
- Griffin G. Edward, The Future is Calling (2008)
- 122. Maguire Margo Dla Ciebie wszystko
- Anton Szandor LaVey Biblia Szatana
- zanotowane.pl
- doc.pisz.pl
- pdf.pisz.pl
- emily.opx.pl
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the accompanying personal hygiene and a coordinated program to combat the causes of disease.
Oral hygiene is the backbone of any preventive program. What you do, and how you do it, is
directly related to your oral health as no other part of the overall therapy can be.
The doctor can help you with clinical tests, with diet recommendations and, if need be,
through prescribing rinses or other preparations. He can give you instruction and encouragement
if you need it.
But no doctor can come home with you each night, and gently chide you until you've given
your teeth a thorough brushing; until you've used dental tape between the teeth.
Perhaps the best way of saying this is to point out that it is highly unlikely that you can
eliminate dental disease without at least some help from the doctor ...but, given the knowledge of
this book and perhaps a few more facts gained from U.S. Government or Oramedics publications;
and with some through-the-mail tests that you can obtain, you could do it without the doctor's
immediate help. On the other hand, there is no way...and no doctor...to achieve freedom from
dental disease without your help. In this doctor-patient relationship, the final result is squarely up
to you.
Chapter Seven
The Power to Heal
We've briefly mentioned, earlier, that teeth can often heal themselves. Overwhelming
research, conducted within the past decade, has reached this conclusion to the point that it can no
longer be seriously challenged. As a matter of fact, we now know that even damaged jawbone can
be restored can heal itself provided the environment is conducive to natural healing.
This raises a question: "If teeth and oral bone can heal itself...if recent research evidence
forces this conclusion...why hasn't the profession reported this phenomena before now? Why has
everyone simply gone along with the "knowledge" that there is no return for damaged oral bone
and tissue?
There's no pat answer to that question. The answer probably lies in philosophy: Many reports
on current research will begin with a lead-in sentence something like this: "Until now, members
of the profession have assumed..." or "Before the conclusion of recent research, there has been no
awareness within the profession that..."
It seems likely that the profession has not known about these things because they were
"blinded" by the frame of reference which is based on the belief that dental disease is inevitable,
incurable and not-preventable. The isolated incidences of natural restoration (healing) would be
written off by individual doctors as "flukes;" therefore not consistently reported in professional
journals, etc.
For example: There is a phenomena well known to any practicing dentist; known as the
Brown Spot Lesion. This is a portion of enamel which is discolored and which shows evidence of
earlier carious activity a cavity had begun to form. Somehow, without medical assistance, the
cavity formation was arrested and the re-surfaced enamel was different from the original white
enamel. Recent studies show that the restored enamel, besides being a different color, is much
more resistant to future carious attacks. Not only did the tooth "heal" it developed an immunity!
Brown Spot Lesions have been observed, as a dental oddity, for decades. Only recently has
concentrated research uncovered the astonishing reality: This is evidence of the mouth's
toughness, its ability to adapt, to function and even to protect itself in spite of disease.
There is one consistent thread running through all contemporary research which underlines
natural healing: In every case, the research was set up so that disease was controlled and then
the healings took place.
"In an environment where the Lactobacillus count was maintained below a level of..." or "The
control group received no prophylaxis, the test group received prophylaxis on a BI-weekly basis,
with the result that...''
When these researchers set up actual, long-range tests, and eliminate odontosis, they report
again and again that teeth, bone and tissue can heal itself.
What makes teeth, bone and tissue able to fight off disease; or to actually restore itself in the
continued absence of disease? Now that the profession has been put on notice that these things
can and will happen, how will dentists respond to this?
It will be many years before this research filters down through the profession, through the
dental schools, and into the offices where the profession meets the public in a one-on-one
relationship. Until that begins to happen, these facts will have no bearing on dentistry whatever.
Oramedics doctors, who were aware of such results long before scientific research produced
the "why" it happens, have been sharply criticized for trying to introduce such "heresy" at the
practical level of dentistry. Even though thousands of Oramedics case histories proved
(empirically) that teeth can heal in the absence of disease, it has been only during the past ten
years that Oramedics International could point to scientific research that backed up the empirical
success with documented, acceptable science.
Oramedics publications such as "What Makes Johnny Run?" (an overview of what's wrong
with American Dentistry) and "Research Advocates Oramedics" research documentation
underlining Oramedics theory and practice) have drawn blistering retribution from organized
The essence of all of this is that change, if it comes at all, will come very slowly at the
practical levels... at the firing line of dentistry. Until the dentist in private practice becomes
convinced that his own clients will no longer settle for "drill, spit and fill" mechanical dentistry,
he has no reason to change; especially when his own associations are fighting it!
And so, once again, it becomes at least partly your responsibility to know the facts...even if
reading your some of this is dry and unexciting. If you want to have enough mental ammunition
to go up against a conventional dentist and force him to think, you'll need to have a fairly secure
understanding of how oral bone and tissue can heal itself (with a little help from medical
We've mentioned before that the teeth are far and away the toughest part of the human body.
Given any chance at all, these 32 pearly-whites should outlast the rest of the "system" when the
ticker finally quits pumping; when the arteries have gotten so hardened and brittle the body
begins to falter; the teeth should be alive and well.
The same goes for gum tissue, oral bone and...yes ...even the relatively-fragile connective
tissue. Given a fighting chance, all of these will outlast the human lifetime.
What is the fighting chance they need? They need to be in an environment free from dental
disease--there must be no odontosis active in the oral ecology. If we can provide such an
environment, Mother Nature will do the rest.
Oramedics developed its oral health care "system" by observing, to a large extent, the natural
forces in the oral ecology. Long before public awareness of "natural health" became an organized
movement in this country, it was already apparent that in all branches of health care the most
effective approaches were those that most closely approximated the natural order of things.
Restated: When medicine introduces synthetic, abnormal or unnatural elements into the
whole-body system, there are usually undesirable side effects.
In some cases, the side effects were better than the disease; more tolerable. An early example
of this is, of course, the use of arsenic a deadly poison in controlled, long-term dosages, as a
medical response to syphilis. It usually worked, after a long period. Of course, the poison raised
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