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I do, baby, so much, I whispered against his cracked lips as I
reached up and broke the chains. I gently lowered him to the floor
before doing the same for Calin.
We knew you d come, he said softly as his eyes fluttered. Cuts
are on our inner thighs so they could drain us. They thought if we
died, you d die.
Not going to happen, love, I replied as I applied pressure to the
huge fucking gashes.
Use your ducts, Rice ordered as he knelt by me and pulled
Dustin into his lap. Your pheromone tears can heal when it s your
mates. You ve claimed them, right?
Yes, I have, I answered, my eyes going wide in shock. How
did I not know about this?
Shea, he growled as he nodded towards my mates. Right. We
could save explanations for later.
I m going to make it better, baby, I said gently as I concentrated
on making myself cry with my extra ducts. It was normally an effect
of tender moments, especially during sex. Almost an instinctive
response to one s mates, like getting hard. But I needed them now and
I did my damndest to focus.
104 Joyee Flynn
It took longer than I would have liked given the shape my mates
were in. Finally I figured out how to basically flip the switch in my
body and get them going. I dripped them onto Calin s right leg first,
gasping when I saw the wound start to slowly close. Ignoring my
shock, I hurried to do the same to his left leg and then leaned over to
do the same to Dustin.
That s fucking cool, Margie whispered as she held out some
clothes to me. Yeah, getting them covered was a good idea.
Thank you for everything, I said as real tears filled my eyes.
She nodded and handed a set to Rice, who dressed my other mate. We
stood and lifted them into our arms just as Rice s team arrived.
Get all the survivors out of here and help, Rice barked out as we
walked past them.
Dude, Elder Rice, you rock. One of the guys chuckled as he
took in the carnage.
Wasn t me, he said and nodded toward me. They fucked with
his mates.
Sweet, the guy replied with a smile before turning back to the
tasks at hand.
We went back to the chopper, got in, and Rice told them to take us
to the Atlanta paranormal hospital. I figured after what they d already
been through since mating me, I could take care of them at home. I let
Rice take charge since I wasn t thinking logically at the moment.
It took less than twenty minutes to get them there and examined
by a doctor after they met us at the helipad. One other doctors led
Margie to another curtained area to be examined as well.
They re a little low on blood, some bruises, and Calin has a
broken rib, the doctor said to me another ten minutes later as I paced
nervously. Nothing they won t recover completely from in a couple
of days.
Oh thank the gods, I gasped as I quickly reached out to grab the
wall when I felt as if my legs might give out with relief. Can I see
Two Fangs and a Hoof 105
Of course, he answered gently. Rice wrapped an arm around my
waist and helped me stumble over to them. It seemed now that the
adrenaline rush was over and my emotions weren't all over the place, I
had some injuries myself.
Stacey? Calin asked as I approached their beds. They were
hooked up to a few machines and IVs pumping the blood they lost
into them.
Her heart stopped right after I got home, I replied as I sat down
on the edge of his bed so I could see both of them. I reached out and
took their hands. Drea showed up and the paramedics, but I left
while they were working on her so I could find you.
We tried to protect her, Shea. Dustin whimpered as the tears fell
from both of them. We knew she was trying to warn us to hide or
run, but we couldn t just leave her.
I know you couldn t, my loves, I whispered and kissed each of
their hands. You wouldn t be the men I love so much if you d left
We loved her, too. Calin cried and I moved to wrap an arm
around him. I reached over to pull Dustin s bed closer, careful of the
machines, so I could hold them both.
I know, baby, I said, my own tears starting. She was like a
sister to all of us and
Before I could say anything else, my phone rang. Had I grabbed it
before I left? I found it in the pocket of my cargo pants and knew
Drea had made sure to slip it in the Velcro one. That woman thought
of everything. When I saw it was the woman in question, I quickly
answered it.
She s alive, Drea cried in my ear. They got Stacey back.
Oh thank fuck, I sobbed, as did my mates since they were close
enough to hear. Calin and Dustin are going to be fine. We re at the
paranormal hospital, room 412.
We re right above you, she replied, her voice thick with
emotion. I ll let the doctors know so we can get everyone together.
106 Joyee Flynn
She s still out, and they say she s still critical, but damn, at least we
have hope now.
Better than not, I croaked out. See you soon.
Give them my love, Drea said before hanging up.
She s made it this far, she ll be okay, Calin said firmly as he
wiped his eyes. We ll spoil her rotten and take really good care of
her. And we ll finish that dress she wanted us to design for her.
I think that s a great idea, I replied, trying to calm my own
waterworks. And we re going to have a new addition to our
The pretty gal with the black eye? Dustin asked as he reached
up and wiped away a tear I d missed.
Yes, her name is Margie, I answered.
Tell us what happened? Calin said as they snuggled into my
Are you sure you want to hear all this?
You storming the evil lair to find the mates you love? Hell yeah.
Dustin chuckled. Tell us what you did to that bastard.
So I did. I waited for them to be horrified or disgusted with how
brutal I d been, but they never were. They smiled at me the whole
time and, when I was done, told me they loved me. Go figure. But
then again, it was the story of how they got saved, so I figured they
were all for me inflicting some pain.
When I was just wrapping up, Drea came into the room with some
nurses and Stacey on a gurney. The room was big enough to fit all
three beds once Margie was done being examined. We sat there,
dozing here and there, and waited, hoped for a miracle that would
bring her back to us.
Two Fangs and a Hoof 107
Chapter 9
Stacey ended up waking up two days later complaining that we d
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