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hammer instead of that sword.
You would wish me to be other than what I am, Frey said. A guardian.
Bull s eye. Well, it s kind of a depressing gig.
It is you who is depressed.
I headed to the top floor and Frey followed me. He kept glancing out the windows at
the fog. It seemed almost to scratch against the glass. You have many totems here. It will
serve as protection.
Totems? We were in the bathroom, which was about the size of my dorm room.
Damn, I missed the place. Usually I was a shower man, but when I had a cold or felt like shit,
there was nothing like hot jets.
The& Frey gestured to a framed watercolour of the bay I d done when I was twelve.
The things made by you and others. They emanate strong protective energy.
Whoa, that s a really interesting take on art and craft, that it originated like fire, to
protect people, to make a circle, I mused. I loved that idea. I d have to do a paper on it for
Professor Dunbar. She d be
But she wouldn t be impressed. She was now a monster with a single consonant
I turned on the hot water and watched it flow out of the fancy waterfall copper tap.
You have to take your clothes off But when I turned to look at Frey, he d already done it.
You know, the stripper thing is an excellent qualification in a boyfriend.
He raised his brows and then looked down at his body. You like to look at my
I laughed. Oh, yeah. And a lot of other things. Feel free not to wear clothing when
we re alone together.
He looked smug but then wary as I led him to the bathtub. It is a large pond.
Can t swim?
I can. Why would I do so?
Hey, you were pretty clean when we first, you know, met. So you must bathe.
Of course I bathe. He looked offended. I do not overcome other warriors in battle
with my smell.
You smelt of campfire and earth. I tried to loop my arms around him, drag him closer
to the tub, but he was as undraggable as a tree stump. I tried another method, nibbling on his
earlobe. He sucked in a breath and his big hands tightened on my body.
Bailey. He pushed me back so he could yank at my T-shirt. When I am unclothed, I
Yes? I kissed his neck.
I want you unclothed also. It wasn t long before I was naked. I stepped into the water,
settled near the jets and let out a long, luxurious sound. Frey s eyes widened and then he
looked put out, probably because the sound I made was like one he could draw from me. He
was jealous of the hot swirling water.
I grinned at him and he plunked in, hissing in a breath. This!
Yeah, it s pretty cool.
He shook his head. No, Bailey, it is hot.
His eyelashes fell and I knew I was in for it. My heartbeat thundered as he climbed over
me, took my erection in his grasp.
I wrapped one leg around his hip while I kissed him. He took both our hard-ons,
rubbing them together, killing me slowly.
You are so hot, I muttered against his damp skin. The way you tower over me, the
sword, the calluses on your hands, the way your hair falls around your face. And Jesus, your
They looked at me now, into me, as he kissed me back, rutting with me. God, was there
anything more perfect then my prick in his hand, rubbing velvety against his cock?
I know we have this thing going on, creatures, darkness, but when you look at me like
that, I just want you to fuck me. I shook my head. No, that s not entirely honest. I want you
to fuck me all the time.
You are very eager to be a woman for me.
I frowned, still thrown by his archaic phrasing. Um, yeah.
I have never had a boy of my very own.
If I had met you in my time, I would have taken you.
I would have been English, maybe a Celt, I said, spinning out the fantasy. Hell, I d
read tons of historical romances featuring hot, conquering Vikings. You take me as your
captive. Um& there d have to be conflict. Oh, I know, your father was betrayed by my father.
Well, he wasn t really, but you don t know that and they re both dead. So you capture me to
punish me by making me your kitchen slave. It s usually something humiliating so we fight
a lot.
He stared at me, obviously enraptured as much by my storytelling ability as my hot
little body. I grinned, loving being with him. The soothing water, the vivid blue eyes, his
complete earnestness.
We fight a lot? he prompted when I lost myself in the feel of him gently thrusting
against me, his hand gloving us both so perfectly.
Yeah, I drive you crazy. I m defiant and I keep trying to escape and& you want me.
You re crazy for me, but I m a virgin and you don t want to frighten me with your unnatural
I would not care if you were a virgin if you looked at me the way you do, Bailey, Frey
grumbled. I would tumble you hard.
Ohhhhh. I bit my lip and arched into him, both the thought of being tumbled hard by
my Viking and the feel of what he was doing pushing me to the edge. Frey!
I will attend you, he whispered.
And did he. He moved his hips, rocking with the water, heating me almost lazily but
with the intensity of a blowtorch. He was not playful. His hands caged my face and he stared
into my eyes, trapping me.
Don t! I choked.
He did not relent. He did not let me go.
I don t do it this way. I don t look in someone s eyes when I
Come for me, he growled. Burn for me.
I couldn t hold back. I thrust against him, the water churning over the lip of the tub, my
eyes wide and naked as I came for him, as he found another way to conquer me.
Chapter Nine
This time I had no choice but to let him hold me since I d basically collapsed against the
side of the tub. He was all that was keeping my head above water, though I wasn t too sure
about that in the metaphorical sense.
I was going under.
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