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" places to visit
" food and drink
Target Reader
Would feel ensured of a welcome and have a clear idea of
the area.
Language of description and recommendation.
Appropriacy of Register and Format
Register appropriate for letter of welcome (with appropriate
introduction and concluding conventions), possibly with use
of headings.
Content Organisation and Cohesion
Clear reference to the book chosen with description and Clear organisation and development of ideas with adequate
analysis of characters and their lives. use of paragraphing. Possible use of headings.
Range Target Reader
Language of description, analysis and narration. Would understand why the writer thinks the book should be
Appropriacy of Register and Format
Register and format appropriate to that of report for local
reading group (informal/neutral register).
Content Organisation and Cohesion
Description/narration of at least one community. Well-organised article with appropriate paragraphing and
Evaluation of success of at least one community. linking.
Range Target Reader
Language of description, narration and evaluation. Would be informed about at least one community.
Appropriacy of Register and Format
Consistent register suitable for readers of a magazine.
Page 47
Content Appropriacy of Register and Format
Clear reference to the book chosen. Register and format appropriate to that of a review for a
Description of Wormold and discussion of his character. college magazine.
Organisation and Cohesion
Clear organisation and development of ideas with adequate
Language of describing, narrating, giving reasons, drawing
use of paragraphing.
Target Reader
Would understand the writer s viewpoint.
Page 48
Homo sapiens is the most dangerous animal species on our planet. It is a natural enemy of all other species on Earth, even
some whose existence humans do not even know of yet.
It is true, as some of our society s members pointed out during our recent conference, that extinction is a natural part of
evolution . Nature managed pretty well long before the first clumsy humanoid decided to interfere with it. New, better
developped species took the place of old primitive ones in the never-ending story of natural choice in which only the
stronger, faster or smarter can survive. Species which could not cope with changed conditions became extinct as a natural
consequence of this process. Dinosaurs, for example, were unable to cope with a major change of climate and had become
extinct long before the first conservation society was founded.
On the other hand every disappearance of a species is a tragic loss not only for nature but also for humans. These losses are
usually caused by human activities, be it the destruction of rain forests or the using of pesticides or the pollution of air and
water. It is not the natural extinction as a part of evolution that worries us, but this unnecessary and dangerous extinction
which can throw nature off balance for a very long time. Nature is a complicated symbiosis of all species, and if one
disappears and is not substituted by another, the process may stop working forever.
These are only a couple of the main reasons why it is essential to stop destroying the natural habitats of animals, and why
breeding programmes for those already endangered are so vital. I realise I may be preaching to the converted since this
magazine is mostly read by members of our society, but I feel the importance of its work cannot be stressed too much. If we
do not take the opportunity to think about this now, it may prove to be too late for us to save the world as we know it for
future generations.
Content Appropriacy of Register and Format
This is a very good realisation of the task. All the points from The register is wholly appropriate and consistent throughout.
the input have been mentioned, and the candidate has given The answer is in a suitable format.
her own opinions about the problem under discussion. She
has clearly identified her role as writer and has referred to the
Organisation and Cohesion
context of the article this magazine.
The answer is very well organised in paragraphs, and the
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