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looked over briefly and stuffed into one of his pockets, winding up by pulling
the Luerral ring key from Telzey's finger and adding it to the other items.
Then he returned the search devices to his belt and spoke to somebody who was
now standing behind Telzey. The somebody moved around into view.
Another kind of alien. This one was also about Telzey's size, wore clothing,
walked upright on two legs.
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- Chapter 15
Any physical resemblance to humanity ended there. It had a head like that of a
soft-shelled green bug, jaws hinged side to side. A curved band of yellow
circles across the upper part of the face seemed to be eyes. What was visible
of arms and legs, ending in the bony hands and narrow, shod feet, was reedy
and knob-jointed, the same shade of green as the head.
This creature didn't look at Telzey but simply stood there. Telzey guessed
Plum-face had summoned it to the room with his communicator. Two of the group
had picked up Tscharen now and were carrying him from the room. The giantess
snapped out some command. The rest started toward the doorspace.
She watched them leave, then turned abruptly. Telzey felt a thrill of alarm as
the monster came up. The
Elaigar spoke, a few short words.
The green alien at once told Telzey softly, in perfect translingue, "You are
in the presence of Stiltik, who is a High Commander of the Elaigar. I'm to
translate her instructions to you and I advise you most urgently to do
whatever she says, with no hesitation."
The jaws hadn't moved, but a short tube protruded from the front of the
stalk-like neck. The voice had come from there. The end of the tube was split,
forming flexible lips with a fleshy blue tongue tip between them.
The harsh voice of Stiltik, High Commander of the Elaigar, broke in. The green
alien resumed quickly.
"You must open your mind to Stiltik. Do it immediately!"
But that was the last thing she should do. Telzey said unsteadily, "Open my
mind? I don't know what she means."
Bug-face translated. Stiltik, eyes fixed hard on Telzey, growled a brief
response. The green creature, seeming almost in distress, said, "Stiltik says
you're lying. Please don't defy her! She's very quick to anger."
Telzey shook her head helplessly.
"But it's impossible! I "
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She broke off. This time, Stiltik hadn't waited for translation. Psi pressure
clamped about Telzey's shield, tightened like a great fist. She gave a
startled gasp. There was no need to pretend being frightened; she was afraid
enough of Stiltik. But not of this form of attack. Her shield had stood up
under the crushing onslaught of a great psi machine. As far as she knew, no
living mind could produce similar forces.
And in not too many seconds, Stiltik appeared to understand she would
accomplish nothing in that manner. The pressure ended abruptly. She stared
down at Telzey, made a snorting sound, leaned forward. The mouth smiled in
murderous anger; and the huge hands reached out with blurring speed, gripped
Telzey, went knowingly to work.
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- Chapter 15
Telzey was reminded in an instant then that when pain is excruciating enough
there is no outcry, because lungs and throat seem paralyzed. She could have
blocked out most of it, but Stiltik might be in a killing fury, and pain now
offered a means of escape. It flowed through her like bursts of fire leaping
up and combining. Her mind dimmed in shock, and she found herself lying on the
floor, shaking, shield tight-
locked. Stiltik roared out something high above her. Then there were
footsteps, moving off. Then darkness, rolling in.
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Telzey Amberdon
James H. Schmitz, edited by Eric Flint & co-editor Guy
© 1926 by James H. Schmitz, edited by Eric Flint
Baen Books
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- Chapter 16
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Chapter 5
She decided presently that she hadn't been unconscious very long, though she
hurt a great deal less than she'd expected to be hurting when she woke up. She
kept her eyes shut; she wasn't alone. She was lying on her side, with
something like a hard cot underneath. The area was psi-blocked, and evidently
it was a large structure because she had no feeling of blocking fields close
by. Her warning mechanisms indicated one or more minds of the Elaigar type
Something touched her lightly in an area which was still sufficiently painful.
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Around the touch pain began to diminish, as if a slow wave of coolness were
spreading out and absorbing it. So she was being treated for the mauling she'd
had from Stiltik very effectively treated, to judge by the way she felt.
Now to determine who was in the vicinity.
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