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was going to check some stuff out on Owanus. We hadn t heard from him, but he had told us he
wouldn t call until he d finished what he wanted to do.
Both Vasili and Michael nodded in complete understanding. All too often Gavreel would find himself so
deeply entrenched in his own little world of research and notes, he wouldn t think to surface for anything.
Even so, he did usually manage to make contact more frequently than once in three weeks.
I didn t know until Simeon and Clare came to Scooper s last night that you ve all been searching for
him. I was surprised. He had intended to keep in touch with you all, or that was the impression I had.
Vasili nodded, but Lea continued with barely a breath.
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I was astonished when Si mentioned you had all found out Gav and that vampiress, Chandra, had left
Owanus. He definitely should have contacted me to inform me of his movements, not to mention getting
in touch with you!
Vasili cocked an eyebrow. He felt amusement well deep within him. He felt utterly charmed with how
indignant Lea sounded, as if someone had called her cute as a button, instead of sexy or something. She
sounded truly offended by Gavreel moving without informing her.
More than likely Gav found something, or was just so entrenched in his work he forgot to& ah&
informyou, Michael said soothingly. Vasili grinned wickedly.
Yeah, Lea, you should know enough about Gav to know when he gets on a roll all he does is run and
follow the scent. Everything and everyone else just drops totally from his mind.
Vasili watched, amazed, as Lea merely pursed her lips together. She didn t exactly look like a pouting
child, but she managed to look annoyed, and sexy as sin at the same time.
He saw her look from him, to Michael, and then back to him again. Vasili cocked an eyebrow, leaning
back into her as he realized she held still more information.
Come on, sweets. Spill. I can see you have more. Vasili felt his cock thicken as Lea flicked out a
tongue, ran it over her lower lip, leaving a damp line. She appeared to hesitate a moment, and then give
We read over some of the holo-files he had been looking at. We& uh& managed to tap into a few bits
and pieces.
Vasili merely nodded patiently, willing to hold out and wait as long as necessary. He knew full well the
wealth of information the Force had access to. Practically every database in cyberspace could be
penetrated by them, either by legal or slightly less-than-legal means.
Vasili held his control, and smiled as his patience paid off.
We think he s heading to Klampor, Lea said quickly again, as though if she spoke it fast enough, it
wouldn t count as her sharing too much information.
I need to contact him, she continued earnestly. Vasili wondered again how someone who was
twenty-nine could seem so sweet and innocent, especially being in the Force and mostly seeing the
seedier, less-sincere aspects of the worlds across the galaxy.
The problem is, she said looking pleadingly at him, we don t know how. I was hoping Alderic could
help me.
Vasili turned to Michael, and both of them grinned.
I seriously wouldn t hold your breath, Lea. Sneaky and paranoid bastard he is, he s telepathically
blocked everyone, even us, Michael said. And if he isn t taking calls from his family, I sincerely doubt
he will be taking them from any of your telepaths. You know how paranoid he gets with his research.
Vasili saw Lea s shoulders slump slightly, knew she fully realized the significance of Gavreel s
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Yeah, I had wondered that, particularly after Simeon insisted he hadn t been able to contact Gav. I had
hoped he was just playing something up, but you re right, if he isn t acknowledging even his own children,
he sure doesn t want to talk to me.
Vasili reached out and squeezed her shoulder in comfort.
We knew that Gav and Chandra had headed to Klampor. Rylan and Ruthie contacted Simeon and
Clare early yesterday morning and they passed the message on to us. We ve been here searching for
references to it most of the day. You wouldn t happen to know if it s a planet, galaxy or solar system or
what, would you?
Vasili watched as Lea shook her head sadly, and then looked at Michael strangely. Vasili turned to see
what had caught her attention, and saw as a thought almost literally hit Michael between his eyes.
His friend blinked, appeared stunned, and then put a hand to his head as if the idea had actually singed
or hurt him.
Oh Goddess, I am so bloody stupid, he said, agony in his voice. We might not have heard of
Klampor, but I know someone who would have.
Vasili frowned, casting his mind through his and the Montague s friends, seeking through to find who it
was Michael had recalled.
The only person who had been on Michael s mind all day had been Phoebe& Vasili grinned widely, his
grin contagious when Michael caught it.
Vasili understood his friend s excitement and irritation at himself. Even if Phoebe had only been working
as a merc for four or five years, chances were she knew where the planet or system was and how to get
there. At the very least she d have the contacts to find out how to get the information.
And as a merc for hire, or some such equivalent, Michael could take her on, and spend a whole lot more
time with her. Vasili chuckled to himself. Trust Michael to come up with a plan as purpose-filled as this
It had the dual purpose of spending a significant amount of time in close contact with Phoebe, but he
could also go with her and find wherever Gavreel had ended up.
Vasili smirked and shook his head. A better holo-chess planner and strategist he had never met. Even
Gavreel refused to play holo-chess against his eldest son now. No one stood a chance.
Vasili turned back to Lea, knowing even now Michael was planning his strategy and trying to think of the
best way to snare his woman. Vasili looked Lea up and down, even the boxy, dead-ugly Force uniform
unable to hide the voluptuousness of her figure.
Lust burnt brightly in his eyes.
Vasili saw a momentary flicker of answering heat in Lea s pale blue eyes, but just as he thought he
caught it, she twisted her mouth and it was gone again. Vasili merely grinned wider.
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