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- Anthony, Piers Adept 5 Robot Adept
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where the King stood posturing for his audience.
Truly, you are beyond redemption. You do not even wish it, Daphne murmured, gazing at
her cousin in sorrow. Perhaps our blood is tainted, for I did not know the seeds of such
unreasoning anger slept within me. If the Gods are just, they will cleanse Croapolis with the
spilling of our blood, wiping out the stain of our dishonor.
Do you know how sick I am of hearing about honor? Not waiting for an answer, Ordana
gestured at the guards to remove their prisoner. If she opens her mouth to preach again& gag
her. Ordinarily, I d say kill her, but we ll leave that for the krakens. She giggled. Tomorrow
morning should be fun!
Dear Journal:
Risking much, a servant slipped me this journal, for which I thanked him profusely. If I
could not spill my heart within these pages, I should go mad.
Today, I, along with the rest of Croapolis, listened in shock as the King proclaimed my life
forfeit for crimes against the Gods. He claimed the decree I heard the messenger give him
alludes to me the daughter of the late King. Once a daughter of the King, always a daughter
of the King, he decreed. Saying it, it instantly became law, for such is the way of Croapolis.
That easily was my former position returned to me, but for such a nefarious purpose&
Food for the Gods by Camille Anthony 28
Too late, I discovered how my wicked uncle and cousin plan to use me. I shall never know
how I gathered the courage, but I stood proudly, declaring my innocence, calling on all who
witnessed to demand he produce those who made scurrilous claims against my honor. None
heeded my words, only watched some in fear, others in sympathy while the guards chased and
arrested me, escorted me to these dungeons.
Isn t it enough that I ve lived, since my father s death, in the palace my own home as a
lowly servant, forced to pander slavishly to Ordana s every slightest wish? All this and more, I
endured without murmur, but this newest plot, my uncle s plan to sacrifice me to Poseidon, God
of the Oceans this I cannot endure. I will not allow that& that& cretin to chain me to The Sea
Rock in place of Ordana, that spoiled brat!
Who is there to stop this injustice and champion my cause? Whom am I fooling& ? There is
no one to aid me, except myself. I will leave before dawn breaks and the time comes for them to
drag me to The Sea Rock.
They forget I know this palace better than they ever will. Besides me, only a handful of loyal
servants know the secret way from this dungeon. There is a path leading to the abandoned sea
caves. I shall take Terena with me and hide there until things grow calm. Once they cease
looking for us, we shall make our way to Delphi and petition the Gods for sanctuary.
This written missive I ll leave with the servants in case I do not survive, in hopes my poor
scribbles will help expose the King s perfidy. Surely, once the truth is revealed, someone will
avenge my death& if not a mortal, then the Gods, themselves. I pray the furies are keeping watch.
They do not take lightly attempts to foil their expressed will.
Food for the Gods by Camille Anthony 29
The leader of the guard held perfectly still in the aftermath of the King s anger and the
Princess s tantrum that had ended in a surprisingly strong slap. I repeat, your majesty, the cell
was guarded at all times. No one came. We allowed no visitors. The cell must be part of the old
secret escape route.
The King bellowed, Why wasn t I informed of this? What other matters have been hidden
from me?
No one could inform you of this, for it s a secret kept between the royal family and a select
trusted few servants.
You are useless! Ordana snarled at the guard. Get out before I have you beheaded.
The guard rose from his knees. As he sheathed his sword, he thought the royal couple had
finally run insane. No thinking liege would humiliate the man that led his troops. Bowing stiffly,
knowing it was the last time he d do so, the guard marched from the audience chamber, his feet
taking him directly to the barracks.
As soon as the doors slammed behind him, he called his men together. The last man entered
and barred the door, turning to give a nod to his leader.
I won t mince my words. We ve served together for many years. We found a cushy berth
here, under King Erestes, but those good times are long gone. He paused, giving each man a
chance to take in what he d said. Their silent nods told him his men agreed with him so far.
He no longer cared that his next words would be treasonable and punishable only with
death. He was smart enough to know that, after this morning s session, his death had been a
matter of fact.
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