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zadowolenie, radoÊç That s great! Excellent!
zainteresowania I m interested in football.
aprobata / dezaprobata That s right.That s wrong.
upodobania / niech´ç I like ice-cream. She hates rats.
Faza II
Celem II fazy jest zamkni´cie systemu j´zykowego. Uczniowie pog"´biajà i strukturyzujà nabytà we
wczeÊniejszych etapach wiedz´ i umiej´tnoÊci. Po zako’czeniu tej fazy ucze’ powinien umieç pos"ugi-
waç si´ podanymi poniÝej funkcjami j´zykowymi. W stosunku do fazy I nastàpi"o istotne rozszerzenie
stopnia opanowania poszczególnych funkcji, wzbogaci"a si´ teÝ uÝywana baza leksykalna.
a) Nawiàzywanie i podtrzymywanie kontaktu (zrytualizowane zwroty grzecznoÊciowe):
powitania, pozdrowienia Hello! Good morning/afternoon/evening. How are you? Thank you, I m
fine and how are you?
poÝegnania Goodbye. Bye. Good night. See you later/soon. So long. I m very glad to meet you.
zwracanie si´ do osób:
formalne Mr Brown, Mrs Smith, Miss Jenkins, Mr and Mrs Brown, Prof. Jenkins, Sir, Madam;
nieformalne John, Mary;
przedstawianie osób:
formalne Mrs Brown, I dlike you to meet& May I introduce Joe Gibson?
nieformalne Mary, this is John. Peter, meet my friend John.
b) Prowadzenie rozmowy:
rozpoczynanie i wprowadzanie tematu Ladies and gentleman.Well now& ,I d like to tell you about&
proÊba o wyraÝenie zgody Do you mind if I& ? May I& ?
www.wsip.com.pl 23
uprzejma odmowa I d rather you didn t. Sorry!
autokorekta That s not exactly what I mean. I mean to say&
wyliczanie The first picture& The second picture& First, he& , then he& , next& after that&
Mix together milk and sugar and eggs. For one thing he is too old, for another he is not healthy enough
for this expedition.
wyraÝanie opinii In my opinion this film is boring. I think we shouldn t do it. As I see it terrorists are
wtràcanie Excuse me, may I add something?
wyraÝanie zachwytu absolutely, wonderful, incredible
opisywanie stanów i uczuç He was so busy he couldn t& , I was so frightened that&
okazywanie zainteresowania How interesting? Oh, is it so? Really?
sygnalizowanie zako’czenia Finally& To finish, I should like to say& In conclusion&
zako’czenie Well, it s been nice talking to you.Thank you for your attention.
c) Podtrzymywanie komunikacji:
sygnalizowanie niezrozumienia Sorry, I didn t catch that.
proÊba o powtórzenie Sorry, what did you say?
proÊba o potwierdzenie Do you mean to say that they aren t heroes? Did you say intelligent politi-
cian ?
proÊba o wyjaÊnienie What do you mean? Could you explain this, please?
proÊba o zmian´ tematu I dlike to say something else. How about changing the topic?
sygnalizowanie nieznajomoÊci s"owa/zwrotu How do you say it in English? I don t know the English
word for& How to say it&
proÊba o wolniejsze / g"oÊniejsze mówienie Not so fast, please, Could you speak more slowly, please?
Could you speak up, please? Louder, please.
proÊba o przeliterowanie Could you spell it for me?
uzasadnianie He is doing this so that& I want you to do this for me because&
d) WyraÝanie postaw / uczuç wobec rozmówcy i zdarze’:
upodobania /niech´ç I like/don t like reading detective stories. He loves ice-cream. Does she enjoy
dancing/concerts? I m (not) fond of skiing.We hate tests.
zadowolenie /niezadowolenie I m delighted& I m (un)satisfied with& He is very (dis)pleased. Does
she feel (un)happy about it? We aren t feeling happy&
preferencje Which do you prefer? I prefer TV to cinema.
zgadzanie si´ /niezgadzanie si´ Yes, I think so too.You are absolutely right. Exactly! I don t think so.
I m afraid you are wrong.We disagree with you.That isn t true. Certainly.
zamiar /intencja I m going to meet John at the railway station. He will visit us next week.
ch´ç, Ýyczenie I dlike to live in the country. Do you want me to help you? What would you like to eat?
I wish to lodge a complaint.
przyzwolenie / zakaz You may take my pencil. You are now allowed to come back after 10 o clock.
He must not talk so loud during lessons.
przymus, koniecznoÊç We must do it now.They have to be here before six. She needs to practise more.
pewnoÊç /brak pewnoÊci He certainly is the best speaker. I m sure you can do it. It s not at all what
I wanted. I doubt it. He is not at all certain about it.
prawdopodobie’stwo He will probably come soon. She may be with him.
wiedza, umiej´tnoÊç I can speak English. He knows John. I have learnt about it from her.
zdziwienie, zaskoczenie Really? What a surprise! Are you sure about it?
satysfakcja /rozczarowanie Good.Well done! Fine.This is just what I wanted.What s the matter with
you? I m not satisfied with it.What a pity he cannot come.
obawa, strach She s afraid of mice. I fear something went wrong. Don t worry. He is terrified.
przepraszanie, usprawiedliwianie si´ I m sorry to be late but I forgot& Please, forgive my coming
late& I apologise/beg your pardon& Excuse me, please.
podzi´kowanie, wdzi´cznoÊç Thank you for your help/advice.It was kind of you to lend me the money.
I m really grateful.
e) Oddzia"ywanie na zachowanie innych osób:
proÊba Can you help me? Could you do it for me, please.Would you mind opening the window?
oferowanie pomocy Let me do it. Is there anything I can do for you? Can I help?
rada You d better come early.They should inform the police about it. If I were you, I would not do it.
I would strongly advise&
ostrzeÝenie Mind the steps.Watch/look out. Be careful. Don t hurt yourself. Pay attention.
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