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and helping people.
Greenwood Grove: Neo-Druidism:
Greenwood Grove: Neo-Druidism:
Greenwood Grove: A late 70s grove in Washington State. ZDNA Neo-Druidism: Druidic groups belonging or resembling the Neo-
Greenwood Grove: Neo-Druidism:
Greenwood Grove: Neo-Druidism:
Green Book: Pagan movement.
Green Book:
Green Book: A collection of meditative readings in the early RDNA.
Green Book:
Green Book:
Grove: Neo-Paganism:
Grove: Neo-Paganism:
Grove: A collection of three or more Druids. Neo-Paganism: A modern attempt to revive ancient paganism, but
Grove: Neo-Paganism:
Grove: Neo-Paganism:
with modifications to suit present needs and laws.
Hair Pull: New Reformed Druids of North America:
Hair Pull: New Reformed Druids of North America:
Hair Pull: A theological debating session held by the Hassidic Dru- New Reformed Druids of North America: A title used on two groups
Hair Pull: New Reformed Druids of North America:
Hair Pull: New Reformed Druids of North America:
ids or SDNA. in the 70s. The first groups, composed of Carleton Arch-Druids,
Hassidic Druids of North America: were interested in greater communications. The second groups
Hassidic Druids of North America:
Hassidic Druids of North America: A group of Jewish Druids in
Hassidic Druids of North America:
Hassidic Druids of North America:
the Arch grove. were predominately interested in Neo-Paganism.
Hazelnut Grove: New Reformed Druids of South America:
Hazelnut Grove: New Reformed Druids of South America:
Hazelnut Grove: A late 70s grove in California. NRDNA New Reformed Druids of South America: The hypothetical name
Hazelnut Grove: New Reformed Druids of South America:
Hazelnut Grove: New Reformed Druids of South America:
HDNA: of any future Druid group that would be formed in South
HDNA: Hasidic Druids of North America.
Henge of Keltria: America.
Henge of Keltria:
Henge of Keltria: An offshoot of ADF.
Henge of Keltria:
Henge of Keltria:
High Holy Days: four biggie festivals; Samhain, Oimelc, New York Grove #1: A mid 60s grove founded in New York.
High Holy Days: The New York Grove #1:
High Holy Days: New York Grove #1:
High Holy Days: New York Grove #1:
High Holy Days: New York Grove #1:
Beltaine, Lughnasadh. RDNA
Higher Orders: New York Grove #2: A mid 70s grove founded in New York.
Higher Orders: New York Grove #2:
Higher Orders: The orders of Grannos, Braciaca, Belenos, Sirona, New York Grove #2:
Higher Orders: New York Grove #2:
Higher Orders: New York Grove #2:
Taranis, Llyr and Danu. The last three were never filled. Used RDNA
NRDNA: members with an exclusive alliance to the Neo-Pagan move-
NRDNA: Abbreviation for New Reformed Druids of North America
Oak Eve and Oak Day: SDNA:
Oak Eve and Oak Day: SDNA:
Oak Eve and Oak Day: HDNA term. Sunset Sat to sunrise Sun SDNA: Schismatic Druids of North America.
Oak Eve and Oak Day: SDNA:
Oak Eve and Oak Day: SDNA:
Second Order:
and Sunrise Sun to Sunset Sun. Second Order:
Second Order: A later step in the Druid hierarchy for Druids
Second Order:
Second Order:
Oberon: who see Druidism as being an important part of their life.
Oberon: A Special Order dedicated to bards.
OBOD: Preceptors must come from the Second Order or higher.
OBOD: An abbreviation for a British Meso-Druid group called the
Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids. Server:
Server: A helper to the ArchDruid, who carries the cup in the Or-
ODNA: der of Worship. Must be of at least the First Order.
ODNA: Orthodox Druids of North America
Oimelc: Sigil:
Oimelc: Sigil:
Oimelc: A major festival of Druids near Feb. 1st, to mark the weak- Sigil: The Druid Sigil of a circle with two vertical lines passing
Oimelc: Sigil:
Oimelc: Sigil:
ening of winter, stirrings of new life, and poetry. Also called through it.
Imbolc or Candlemass. Sirona:
Sirona: A Higher Order (7th) dedicated to rivers and streams.
Olive Eve and Olive Day: Solstice:
Olive Eve and Olive Day: Solstice:
Olive Eve and Olive Day: HDNA term. Sunset Thursday to Sun- Solstice: A time when the days are the longest or shortest. A time
Olive Eve and Olive Day: Solstice:
Olive Eve and Olive Day: Solstice:
rise Friday and Sunrise Friday to Sunset Saturday. for Druidic festival.
Order: Southern Shores Grove:
Order: Southern Shores Grove:
Order: A group of Druids dedicated to a purpose. A term used to Southern Shores Grove: An early 70s Grove of the RDNA and
Order: Southern Shores Grove:
Order: Southern Shores Grove:
indicate a ritual, as in Order of Worship or Order of Conse- NRDNA in California.
Special Orders:
cration. Special Orders:
Special Orders: Essentially new Orders of Priesthood devised out-
Special Orders:
Special Orders:
Order of Worship: side the structure of the 10 original Higher Orders. Special
Order of Worship:
Order of Worship: The generic ritual of the Reform, which comes
Order of Worship:
Order of Worship:
in three major forms: Winter, Summer and Festivals. Orders often have a Patriarch or Matriarch.
Orthodox Druids of North America: Stanford Grove:
Orthodox Druids of North America: Stanford Grove:
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